Episode #30 Relationships: How Do You Show Up to Them? with Holly McCusker
Today my guest is relationship expert and coach, Holly McCusker. She explains the 7 Levels of Emotional Energy and how each level affects how a relationship exists. We also discuss what can be done to enhance the connection we have with others.
Episode #10 Menopause and the Hormones That Don’t Want Us Anymore with Dr. Ryan Shelton
Dr. Ryan Shelton is a physician and researcher with vast experience and knowledge about hormones. He clarifies the benefits and explains what we, ourselves, can do to assist in slowing down the aging process. The woman’s hormonal makeup works like a symphony, with many moving parts that go beyond estrogen and progesterone. Dr. Shelton discusses possible options including the differences between synthetic and bioidentical hormones so you can make the right decision for yourself.
Episode #9 The Ideal Workout for Women Over 40 with Dr. Elke Cooke
My guest today is Dr. Elka Cooke, an amazing Functional Medicine physician who specializes in Anti-Aging medicine. In this episode we talk about how building muscle is our metabolic currency. Our muscle strength is the key to all things aging when it comes to body composition and hormone balance. According to Dr. Cooke, the greatest impact we can have on our aging is when we focus on our muscle strength.
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